Why Choose Vitamin Shower
A carbon shower filter is the most common type of filter, it is a less expensive method of filtration because the activated carbon used inside is relatively cheap.
However, a carbon filter is the least effective method in removing harmful chemicals from your water because it is affected by the heat. Once the water being filtered reaches a certain temperature, it negates the activated carbon, rendering it useless.
KDF filters, use equal parts copper and zinc. These metals are dissimilar and when they are pressed against each other, their imbalance creates a tiny electrical charge.
The electricity is not enough to do any harm to humans, but it is large enough to affect the metals and minerals in the water as it gets pushed through the filter.
When water passes through this charge, it liberates the free-roaming chlorine from the rest of the molecules in the water. The chlorine then recombines with another metal such as calcium and chloride, a water-soluble and perfectly harmless electrolyte.
The downside to using a KDF filter is that they do not filter out chloramines, and they are less effective with low-pressure showers.
Vitamin C filters are arguably the best.
It filters out up to 99% of the chlorine found in water, while others filter out anywhere from 20-80%.
Vitamin C filters also remove most chloramines and sediment. The filter uses a tube of ascorbic acid (pure Vitamin C) which interacts with the chlorine and the chloramines and neutralizes them.
Showering in filtered chlorine free water has a wide range of benefits.
Top 10 Benefits of Using a Shower Filter
- Using a shower filter is one of the easiest and most effective ways to reduce harmful exposure to chlorine and other chemicals.
- Showering in filtered water results in greater respiratory health by reducing the risk of asthma and bronchitis from chlorine inhalation.
- Showering in chlorine-free, filtered water decreases the risks of bladder and breast cancer.
- Children, who are particularly at risk of the harmful effects of chlorine inhalation, benefit especially from the removal of chlorine from showering water.
- As chlorine is a leading cause of fatigue, showering in filtered, chlorine-free water results in higher energy levels and overall greater health.
- Removing chlorine from showering water results in better air quality throughout the house.
- Without the drying effects of chlorine, skin becomes softer, healthier, and younger looking.
- Removing chlorine from showering water reduces the presence of skin rashes and the appearance of wrinkles.
- Because the hair is able to preserve its natural moisturizing oils, it becomes softer and healthier when chlorine is removed from showering water.
- When the body is able to retain its natural moisturizers, the need for costly lotions and moisturizers is greatly reduced.